To create a a new template, first select the most recent template on the left. Then click the duplicate button.

Use the name from the design of the downloaded template and name the event. Do not add spaces between words.

Click the lock button to enter the passcode.

Enter passcode 5837

Click the blue arrow to access older templates.

Click the arrow next to go to saved events.

Click SELECT ALL to select all templates.

Click UNSELECT ALL to deselect all templates.

Select the newly created template you named.

Click the launch event button launch event.

Click the lock button to input the passcode.

Enter passcode 5837

Click print layout to access to template layers.

Scroll down to select the layer with the image of the template.

Select template layer.

Scroll up to click choose image to change template.

Choose the downloaded file.

Click print test copy to conduct a test print.

Click launch event to launch event.

Click boomerang to test txt message.

Enter your # and send yourself the boomerang to confirm txt msg works.